Juke originally meant "bawdy" or "wicked.". Jugs jiggle; and a johnson is a big one. Synonyms for DIRTY: filthy, dusty, muddy, stained, blackened, nasty, black, grimy; Antonyms of DIRTY: clean, spotless, pure, clear, immaculate, unsoiled, unsullied . Could I have known when Charlie R. took me up the Harwood building stairwell for my first, fast, dry, twelve-year-old kiss that I'd become a woman who loves kissing, a woman who'd drive across state lines for the moment just before the kiss begins. This is one of the dirty swear words that you wouldn't want to use in front of your grandparents. Its very important to use the right ropes and techniques: substitute a less forgiving material or get the technique wrong and you could end up causing or suffering harm. But here are some common offensive words: The most versatile dirty word in Japanese, kuso means shit, damn or fuck and is used the same as in English. words, Example: The jaw-dropping performance from the singer uplifted the mood of many people. But its used in many fun sayings, like. A hooker's customer is a John. Example: Her work is just endless jaw as she is a reporter. Keep in mind, these may be fighting words to Italians. Another subset of BDSM, ruined orgasms are when somebody is brought to the brink of orgasm and then the stimulation stops. Copyright 2023 Salon.com, LLC. Cookie Settings . Example: A celebration was held in the club for their silver jubilee. Definition: to make a joke in a happy way. When someone has a lot of nerve, thats what this line is for. Censors believed the song glorified masturbation, at least. We were in a field of scrub brush on the edge of the golf course where we used to go swimming for golf balls that had been shanked into the thirteenth-hole water hazard when she and I fell and fumbled into and onto each other and my hand, somehowbless its bony heartfound its way up to Lori's second base. List of Words 190 Popular Words that Start with J in English - English Study Online "What I really miss is the make out. Also means bastard and is a major insult. I ask when we come up out of it. While it means penis, cock, or dick, its used more like fuck. You can also say *foda-se which is used like an exclamation when something bad happens. Theres also the male version (yarichin). Associated Press articles: Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. Here are all the highest scoring words with j, not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters. not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters. words, Hand jive, doesn't that sound dirty? Mary doesn't work, does it? Definition: to move with rapid jerky motion. Kids Learning Related Links. The next best word starting with J is jazzmen, which is worth 34 points. This piece originally appeared on The Week. Dirty. Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/dirty. From my home office in Maui, Hawaii, I currently work on freelance and ghostwriting projects. Eyes open, eyes closed, your face in transport. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Learning Hubs: Your fast track to speaking a new language. Example: He felt relaxed due to the jokes that his friends told. Example: The journal I wrote while staying abroad helped me have a positive mindset the whole time. For example, 'Oh my god, my nipples are erected!' Fun-loving Irish guy, full-time globe trotter and international bestselling author. There are books, and then there are "Books We Like." Visit our corporate site at https://futureplc.comThe Week is a registered trade mark. Future US LLC, 10th floor, 1100 13th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005. Compose bold, clear, mistake-free, writing with Grammarly's AI-powered writing assistant, jurisprudential Adjective | Pertaining to the science of philosophy of law, justifiableness Noun | The state or quality of being excusable, juxtaglomerular Adjective | Positioned next to a kidney glomerulus, juxtapositional Adjective | Pertaining to the comparison of two items placed side-by-side, jerrymandering -Verb | Dividing electoral districts so that one political party has an unfair advantage (also spelled gerrymandering), jingoistically Adverb | In a manner marked by extreme nationalism and aggressive foreign policy, journalization Noun | The process of keeping records, especially financial records (also spelled jounalisation), jurisdictional Adjective | Pertaining to the power to carry out legal judgements or enforce laws, jargonisation Noun | The act of including jargon in a text or language (also spelled jargonization), jawdroppingly Adverb | In a manner that causes surprise or astonishment (also spelled jaw-droppingly), jellygraphing Verb | Making copies of writing using a pan of gelatin, jactitation Noun | Jerking, twitching of the body in illness, japonaiserie Noun | Art made in a Japanese style, judicatorial Adjective | Pertaining to the administration of justice, junketeering Verb | Going on extravagant trips at at the government or anothers expense, jacklighted Verb | Hunted by illuminating fish or game with a flashlight, jocoserious Adjective | Mixing humor and seriousness (British English), joblessness Noun | The state of having no job, unemployment, jointedness Noun | The state or condition of having joints, jawcrusher Noun | A device that crushes rocks between two jaws (also spelled jaw crusher), jaywalking Noun | The act of crossing the street in an unsafe or illegal way, johnnycake Noun | Bread made from cornmeal, jumproping Verb | Playing a childrens game that involves jumping over a revolving rope, jackknife Noun | A dive in which the diver folds in half and then straightens out before reaching the water, janissary Noun | A loyal, submissive supporter or soldier (also spelled janizary), jobseeker Noun | An unemployed person who is actively searching for work, jockeying Verb | Maneuvering for position or advantage, jackfish Noun | A pike, especially a northern pike, jackstay Noun | A support of iron, wood, or wire along the yard of a ship to which the sails are fastened, jacquard Noun | Fabric from a distinctive loom, in which the design is woven rather than dyed, jailbird Noun | A convict or an ex-convict, jalousie Noun | A window, shade, or door made of overlapping horizontal slats, jamboree Noun | A crowded celebration or gathering, jacamar Noun | Long-billed tropical birds of the family Galbulidae, jacinth Noun | An orange semiprecious stone, jackdaw Noun | A black and gray bird found in Eurasia and northern Africa, jacking Verb | Raising or lifting with a jack, jackleg Adjective | Unscrupulous, unprofessional, jackpot Noun | The main prize or cumulative stakes in a game or lottery, jaggery Noun | Unrefined sugar from palm sap, jamming Verb | Improvising on a musical instrument, along with a group, janitor Noun | A buildings caretaker or cleaner, javelin Noun | A light spear thrown in war, hunting, and sport, jejunum Noun | A section of the small intestine from the duodenum to the ileum, jonquil Noun | A Mediterranean daffodil, jukebox Noun | A coin-operated music player with a list of available songs, jabber Verb | To speak quickly and indistinctly, jabiru Noun | A black-billed, tropical stork, jacana Noun | Long-toed shore birds of the family Jacanidae (also spelled jaana), jackal Noun | A pointy-eared, bushy-tailed canid found in Africa and Asia, jacker Noun | A laborer (British English), jadish Adjective | Possessing jade-like qualities, jailer Noun | A person who imprisons or confines another, jalopy Noun | An old, broken-down vehicle, jarrah Noun | Eucalyptus marginata found in Australia, jaunty Adjective | Sprightly, confident (also spelled janty and jantee), jumble Verb | Mix together into a disorganized pile, jabot Noun | A frilly collar worn by men in the 1700s, jacal Noun | A mud-covered, thatch-roofed hut found in Mexico and the southwestern United States, jager Noun | A rifleman in German or Austrian armies (also spelled jger and jaeger), jalap Noun | A Mexican vine of the morning-glory family, also the drug derived from this plant, jambe Noun | The vertical sides of a doorway, arch, or window (also spelled jamb), jammy Adjective | Lucky (British English), japan Verb | To finish with a high gloss, jemmy Verb | To pry open, as with a crowbar (also spelled jimmy), jerky Adjective | Movement characterized by fits and starts, jetty Noun | A pier or structure that protects a harbor, jiver Noun | Someone who dances the jive, a type of swing, junky Adjective | Worn out, of poor quality, jarl Noun | A Scandinavian chieftan or nobleman, jato Noun | An airplane takeoff assisted by jets, jauk Verb | To dawdle (Scottish English), jaup Noun | A splash of dirty water or mud (Scottish English), jeer Verb | To taunt or cry out with derision, jibb Verb | To alter course so that the fore-and-aft sail shifts from one side to the other (also spelled jibe, gibe, gybe, and jib), jimp Adjective | Slender (British English), jink Verb | Move quickly, while shifting direction, jinx Noun | A spell of bad luck brought on by a person, jivy Adjective | Jazzy and lively (also spelled jivey), joky Adjective | Humorous (also spelled jokey), jota Noun | A Spanish folk dance performed to the rhythm of castanets, jowl Noun | Lower jaw (formerly spelled jole), juba Noun | A dance with complex hand rhythms developed by slaves on southern plantations in the United States, jig Noun | A lively dance in triple meter, jog Verb | To run or ride at a slow pace, jo Noun | Sweetheart (Scottish English). jazzers (32), Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. The very best entries in this tightly packed A-to-Z of highbrow ribaldry examine the kind of vulgarities that absolutely, positively do not belong on NPR's Web site. Definition: a daily record of news and events of a personal nature. But you can use this as an exclamation like in English, too. jimjams (25), Cabrn This swear means bastard, asshat, or dick. Now one of the most universal bad words there is in the English language. 23 are 3 letter Your email address will not be published. words, Role play also enables people to act out fantasies they wouldnt want to explore in real life, such as pretending to be teacher and student or sex worker and client. SALON is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of Salon.com, LLC. Jam-packed. Example: A brief exchange of jokey comments from her made him burst into laughter. It wouldnt be right to leave this one off the list. To save this word, you'll need to log in. While we're in the jungle, a famous lesbian novel was called "Rubyfruit Jungle.". Learn a new word every day. Definition: an act to express your deepest thoughts. He doesnt have the balls to do it. or He has some balls to say that. (Like he has some nerve.) In the UK you might hear bollocks more often. It's jampacked with jokes, joy, and jubilation. This is all kinds of. A strong noun to call someone in your wrath. jumbo jet. Another catch-all word, this one is used as an exclamation like damn or shit. But also used to call a woman a slut or a man a dickhead. decent, obscene, indecent . Into under with for beneath above inside away toward, our mouths, prepositional.