Melisandre is revived in Elianta's body, but killed once again by Gendry. Waking up in a world that has turned upside down, Rhaegar Targaryen will have to put back togheter the shambles of his family. But he did wake, and it was not in the forlorn outreaches of the Wall, but back at Winterfell, where King Robert Baratheon was a days ride awayOld Nan had always warned against changing fate, but how can Jon refuse a chance to prevent the game of thrones? It wasnt until it had started to become a reality, to solidify under her hands, that she started to paint details into the visions of her sanctuary in earnest. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. [Part 1 of a 3 part series, completed, 2,800 words, rated teen], A portrayal of a modern and healthy relationship, accompanied by reflections and musings about love. He wrapped a wolfs skin around a salmon but it shrugged the cloak off and looked towards the lands it had been fished from. So warten neue Aufgaben auch auf die treuen Gefolgsleute der Knige und "brderlichen" Freunde Eddard Stark, Lord von Winterfell und Faramir, Frst von Ithilien. Fearing that her granddaughter will be framed for her husbands murder, Lady Olenna sends her far north, to Bear Island. But she quickly learns that the fire burns deadly in the royal family, and winter has no place in Kings Landing. Lyanna Stark as his second wife and queen, along with Elia Martell. She survives, destroys the horn, and restores the dragons to their normal selves. As the years go on, his hopes for a royal marriage wane more and more as he fears the gods' coin flip may have fallen for ill twice in succession. avengers fanfiction natasha abuse. and our Jeyne Lannister has had a charmed life. [Completed, 12 chapters, 220,000 words, rated teen], What if Ned Stark wasnt executed at the Great Sept of Baelor? [Completed, 51 chapters, 133,000 words, rated teen]. "We have all been too focused on the eldest brother, Brandon Stark. She's also the one who kills Littlefinger. They could always mine more gold and rebuild the castle, but they don't have the time to do so and need to focus their resources on the current war. But she wasnt expecting Robb Stark not to be like the men she knew. Tony was on a cot in a cave. That would be the place and the time that set him onto the course of becoming one of the greatest Kings house Stark has ever known., Stark Means King: Chapter 60: Eddard The GreatBy Druid Skellig. Sansa held on to her naivete for as long as possible, but, standing before the entire court pleading for her father's life, she is forced to face reality. Tony Stark abruptly woke up, sucking gulps of air as he felt a tube in his nose. Silver and gold poured through the castle gates like a torrent, dozens of banners showing the crowned stag of Baratheon and roaring Lannister lions fluttering in the wind. Im looking for (fairly well written) stories about a powerful and advanced north (not necessarily independent) or fics where Jon snow is given land/castle of his own and has great resources, wealth, trade etc that has everybody wanting to be in his good graces/getting him into a marriage alliance. I couldn't get into it. Mace Tyrell starts to besiege King's Landing for the Lannisters after a Faceless Man frees Loras and Margaery. He's quite a badass in Chasing Dragons, but it has as many "leading" characters as ASOIAF itself. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Ned also wants to take Myrcella as a "ward" to ensure the Lannisters leave them alone. It saved the Hound's life. She lets him burn her alive, delighting in the heat of his palms, the burn of his beard against her skin. [A long-running fic that started back in 2015, is currently at 79 chapters, over 680,000 words, and still being updated! We are both, indeed. And she only realizes this as Jaime is killing her. I Fear No Fate (For You Are My Fate, My Sweet), i loved a maid as spry as spring (with sunrise in her hair), i could never define (all that you are to me), there is nothing lost (but may be found, if sought), Hear Me Roar: House Lannister and the Westerlands in the War of the Ring, The Bestselling Fantasy Books of All Time, The Nobel Prize In Literature Winners You Need to Read, Should You Buy That? When it stopswhen he pulls backits sharper than ice. The Great Other was so scared of Jon (even before he joined the Night's Watch) that he hired the Faceless Men to kill him. A monster that spawns winter's winds and sharp ice. After Daario's death, Daenerys realizes that she's pregnant with his child. Doch das Spiel um Throne geht weiter, denn noch wollen nicht alle sieben Knigslande den neuen Herrscher anerkennen. Rhaegar Targaryen slew Robert Baratheon and won the Battle of the Trident. [1,800 words, rated teen], A Kings bastard is a dangerous thingElia is a Martell with enough Targaryen blood to know that for an absolute truth. This is their story. Also averted somewhat, as fans have noted, in that none of the Starks have died. Only then, Lyanna could discover that her only son plans to join the Night's Watch. She had been thinking of Lyanna for a daughter, but it didnt fit. She has a peaceful parley with Ned Stark, Tyrion Lannister and Randyll Tarly. But Eddard Stark leaves the failed rebellion wounded. Most famously, the Lannisters ally with the Tyrells, and the Night's Watch (reluctantly) ally with the wildlings to fight the Others. [Ongoing, currently 76 chapters, 360,000 words, rated mature], What was intended to be some love-filled Jonerys drabbles, but has turned into a full blown S8 canon adventure complete with romance, dragons, drama, angst, politics, prophecies, and the Battle for the Dawn. Daenerys, during her parley with Ned, Tyrion and Randyll Tarly. It doesnt have a major divergence from canon Neds character while still making Ned a BAMF. We need to think about fixing the heating. Doran was able to convince otherwise, and Oberyn has since admitted that was the right course of action. They were, but Walder Frey decided at the last moment not to, when he considered that he'll get a lot more with his grandson as Lord of Winterfell. Ned Stark is about to be executed. How much time does he have until the Others invade Westeros? Work Search: - Title - A Promise fulfilled series: Book one: A pack of wolves Book two: a nest of vipers Book three, - Links -, - Keywords - north, Eddard stark, Jon snow, fix it. The story picks up soon after Ned Stark's arrest and Sansa pleading for his life. Cercei knew the day Ned stark confronted her was the day Ned stark condemned himsf. Soon they will be here. Sandor is willing to risk travel to Winterfell to turn in Theon so as to get into the Starks' good books, while Sansa is willing to become an old maid if she cannot marry him. Kisses while young wolves looked on, tongues lolling and eyes bright with ignorance. ORNed makes a different choice after the Tower of Joy. - Summary - In which Ned Stark realizes that with baby Jon alive, the war is not over, and conducts his household accordingly. And as Ned Stark was about to be excuted, he decied enough was enough. A Kindle Scribe Review. Tyrion later names a dog he's adopted Sandor. [Incomplete, 28 chapters, 120,000 words, rated for general audiences], An alternate version of George R.R. The mission to get Lyanna back from the Tower of Joy pitted Ned Stark, Howland Reed, and Theo Wull, such as in canon, as well as Greatjon Umber and Tygett Lannister, against two of the Kingsguard, Lord Commander Gerold Hightower and Oswell Whent, Arthur Dayne having went missing during the Battle of the Trident. Arya manages to partially escape its effects by warging into a cat. But the truth is not so simple. Aaannddd now he is seeing the fight with the Others from the. Never read ASOIAF (I know, I suck), so this is off what I know from Show what other stuff I know from the fandom. For after all, in a world where the impossible happens, nothing limits me anymore. Now, with another bargaining chip in his possession, he has a chance to turn the war. destroying the Wall by blowing the Horn of Winter. [Completed trilogy, each book/part over 400,000 words, no rating labeled], After Ned takes Jon from the Tower of Joy, he stops by Kings Landing to see Robert crowned. Rating: Explicit], Myrcella Baratheon always knew she would be married to a man for a political alliance. The preferred form of the Great Other when dealing with humans if Ned's vision and a Wildling legend are anything to go by. And then to their luck, they spot land, a continent called Tamriel. Cersei's own actions end up creating the situation in which Maggy's prophecy is finally fulfilled. Under the direction of General Stannis Baratheon, a small group of rebels band together to stop her and take back their homes and their lives. [Completed work in 3 parts, 122,000 words, rated mature], After losing everything, Arya Stark gets a chance to go back to her 11-year-old self and try and change things. This is because Lysa bedded Littlefinger after his duel with Brandon Stark. Also conspicuously absent is Petyr Baelish, who hasn't been seen since Part 1. He still despises it but is able to understand it still. Him having dragon eggs is a bonus. Two sets of memories, held in the same person, yet both of them being the same. So after Arya died, she is given another chance to live again. Baratheon-Lannister-Tully-Tyrell alliance. Subverted, as Melisandre has taken over that body, and is just biding her time until she can take revenge for her murder and kill Aegon. assassinating Tywin with a shadow baby, using Melisandre's magic to defeat the Reach's armies, and uses Obsidian as arrow points allowing his forces to kill Others from a distance. Everything goes according to plan until suddenly, Joffrey decides to chop off Ned Stark's head and start the War of the Five Kings. I'll be short." "And yet, you're still quite tall, Ulwyck Upcliff," I japed nonsensically, to bleed off some of the tension that came out of nowhere. What impact will the quiet wolf bring to the realm? Robb and Val end up becoming this for each other, replacing Jon and Roslin. And other ladies too, whose parts in this tale are further obscured, as often happens when histories are written by men. - Summary - What would have happened in Westeros if Ned Stark had lived? He doesn't even mind the possibility of getting burned alive, as long as he gets to see a dragon. She butts heads with Tyrion because she insists on getting his brother's head, but managed to keep her cool. Told from multiple characters perspectives but focusing on Jon and Daenerys. He is then forced to take the black and go to the Night's Watch under threat that his daughters' lives will be spared, and that his son Robb Stark will stop his campaign in the Riverlands and return North. Heal what you have broken. Val seems to be this as well, considering her growing love for the noble and brave Jon Snow. Authors note:This isnt a happy hooker fic but neither is it solely filled with angst and abuse. Daenerys because it means he finally gets to see a dragon. Keep an eye on your inbox. She accepted because she believed she could work on her plans from within. Or, I'm bitter about seasons 6-8 and want to re-do it all. And for a moment, the world is warm, small, safe. 63 pages September 16, 2020 Bri45. Then came the flashes, the visions of the atrocities that would happen to his family but the gods have given him a second chance. not telling him the true parentage of Cersei's children. Jaime agrees with her, but Cersei won't have it. Remember what you have forgotten. Ned Stark Lives!, its second and third installments explore this what-if scenario as closely as George R. R. Martin could have written it. If you like fics that progress the technological stage of Westeros as a whole, give it a look. Que har ella cuando se le de la oportunidad? Robb waits just a moment longer before heading south in the War of the Five Kings. In this scenario, Ned gets crowned as King in the North. Elizabeth- a Jamie Lannister fanfic by laddersofchaos. The Gods decide to take a more active role in their disciples lives, and for the first time in over three centuries the Valyrian Gods awaken to protect the last Targaryen's. Roslin to Robb after her death in Part III, After Gendry gets arrested at White Harbour, they get news of Roslin's death in childbirth. [AU, one shot, 7,000 words, rated teen], A modern AU, set in the UK, featuring Renly/Loras. [Completed, 8 chapters, 10,000 words, rated teen], Jon Snow wakes up in Winterfell, two years in the past. And she does, with some bumps in the road, cover up Arya's murdering of two fellows on a king's errand. Press J to jump to the feed. This daughter of the north was made of sterner stuff. Upon landing in Westeros, Daenerys makes a pact with the King in the North, with interesting results. A Stark girl getting married to a Baratheon boy. He doesn't get it. The Night's King, during the Battle for King's Landing. Sansa has to determine what she can change and what she has to accept to get a future she wants. Robb Stark is moving to the Riverlands and Tywin Lannister and his son Jaime are planning to meet his army. So if you're a diehard Game of Thrones fan then you'll certainly enjoy these awesome Jon Snow fanfiction stories. I tried to write a positive-yet-realistic take on what it might have been like being a woman of color working as a prostitute in medieval not!Europe. Daenerys plots to flee from Meereen the day of her wedding. Though to be fair, he was under a lot of stress at the time. Will his decisions have a lasting impact on House Stark and the War of the Five Kings? Unknown to anyone she had a child with the fallen prince. Safe return to the Seven Kingdoms, but in exchange she would need to marry his son, to keep her under watch instead of killing her like Robert wanted. The story picks up soon after Ned Stark's arrest and Sansa pleading for his life. keeping to his side of the peace accord he signed with the Starks. You can search on just his name in the full story and enjoy it. Oberyn Martell finally appears in the first chapter of Part III. Cookie Notice Sansa, who was once obsessed with getting married, considers life as a celibate healer, while Arya, who had no interest in marriage, gets married at a very young age. Politics, war and battles, wargs. Shireen ends up naming Gendry as her heir to Storm's End. -EDDARD STARK- The royal procession was an impressive sight.