First year accommodation is outside walls which can be a pain especially if you have to walk all the way over the bridge a whole 2 minutes or so. Famous writers like Thomas Hardy used to visit there! There is also a central JCR kitchen, which everyone can use. Reputation of being where fun goes to die - this may be a pro for some! Being a large college, a lot of societies are run out of Keble so access is very easy. Informal hall is provided every night. The college's JCR is becomingly increasingly liberal with frequent meetings held on the importance of mental health and issues concerning LGBTQIA+ and intersectional students. The porters are friendly and helpful, and unlike some other colleges everyone gets their own pigeon hole for mail. cheap food (e.g. Balliol is a wonderful place, but unfortunately that means sharing it with large groups of tourists and their (occasionally loud) tour guides. All other students live in college accommodation opposite G&Ds in Cowley (great location for pubs/jamaican restaurants/arty cinemas). This means that unlike many of the most central colleges, you will not be shipped off a mile or more to college annexes after first year. Exonians are provided with three meals per day, five days a week, with brunch and dinner served on Saturdays and Sundays. They have no regard for enforcing University internet usage terms of agreement either. If you opt for the termly season ticket like most people, the three course meal works out at 2.52 a day, Formal hall is very relaxed (you can wear what you like under a gown) every day except for twice-termly 'Guest Dinners' where everyone dresses up and food becomes Michelin Star quality, Informal hall also takes place every day - earlier sitting than Formal Hall, On the whole food is very good, sometimes fairly ambitious (i.e. Located in the Science Area and Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, which means a lot of science and humanities departments and faculties are nearby. All bathrooms are cleaned 5 days a week. Students always say they would happily sit at any table at lunch, as they will never be away from friends. However this is starting to change, as age tends to. Pretty Art Deco library, open 24 hours. A small year can make the atmosphere gossipy and everyone knows your business whether you want them to or not! While some may be funny to joke about or create a 30-minute TV episode on, they're not truly what define college students. This is actually a pro if you are an arts student because your lectures are right next door, but in the summer term the after-exam celebrations are really noisy and messy and smelly, which is annoying, especially if revising. This is especially true of certain joint honours subjects such as Classics & English and History & English. Daily services are sung by the choir of men and boy-choristers. The term was coined by the researchers Claude Steele and Joshua Aronson, who performed experiments that showed that black college students performed worse on standardized tests than their white peers when they were reminded, before taking [] JCR meetings are usually well attended but there is rarely any major heated debate. Openness - it's possible to see out into the "real world" from most places in college, as we're not behind massive stone walls like most of the other older colleges. There's an Oriel drama society, which produces a couple of plays a year, as well as the annual '24 Hour Play' - a competition for anyone that wants to, to enter and come up with an entire play within 24 hours of being given the title. People going far way away for academic purposes have been known to get 800 towards a trip. No first years get proper kitchens. Very generous book grant (330 a year) and college will pay for you to stay in Oxford over the vacation if you need to for academic reasons (provided that you can prove your stay is academic although your tutor always approves it so it's not hard at all). Also a big, fancy, free dinner every year for Women, BME and LGBTQ. Blinds (events whereby 2nd years invite all of their subject freshers to a party) where subject related drinking games are played are banned with 200 fines, Paid out hundreds of thousands of pounds after a tribunal ruled an ex-employee had been unfairly dismissed and racially discriminated against, Very strict library atmosphere with the Dean threatening that 'there will be no second offences' even for whispering, Incidents of theft such as intruders who broke in and stole a valuable candlestick from the college chapel, Has asbestos or asbestos containing materials (ACMs) on site. internet. June 7, 2022; id10t podcast cancelled . Every room there has an en-suite, and you share kitchen facilities with the rest of your flat. Very good welfare, the chaplain Clare is always available to help (regardless of religious convictions). SMALL. It is the most symmetrical front quad in Oxford - so symmetrical that one of the doors is a fake one just for appearances Lots of variation on type of rooms- modern/older/shared living room/single but all pretty massive and all of great quality. Whilst most colleges claim to be friendly, Oriel's small cohorts (about 89 per year); small physical size and excellent shared facilities (library; hall; bar) actually make this about the most cohesive college I know of. Brings into question whether the phrase Its what on the inside that counts should be applied here Laura, Is that the weird hexagon one, or is that Trevs? Jess, Brutalist architectural design buildings Brandon, People tend to be all-rounders, and good at everything Annabel, The college no one applies to, but everyone seems to be allocated to Pearls, Big Head Girl/Head Boy energy. Even most of the 2nd and 3rd year accomodation, which is all college provided, is not far away. Many of my friends are also northern, or went to state schools nationwide, and this does not disadvantage us at all. The Scandinavians love their clogs. Inside the library is really nice and airy. However in recent times this seems to be getting better. 'Oxford bubble' is less intense, year group small enough that you know lots of people as you walk around, but big enough that there's plenty of people to get to know, DVD collection allows you to borrow films for free. No proper kitchens in college so no ovens, only microwaves and fridges in 1st year, but then more people eat in hall which is sociable. O2 (including Tesco and giffgaff) reception can be very poor, and Vodafone is quite bad too. Getting vacation residence can be a hassle. With its foundation usually estimated at 1236, the college has claim to be 'the oldest academical society for the education of undergraduates in any university' in the world. Work best at 3am? Other classically-orientated musical activity includes the series of student lunchtime recitals, with additional recitals together with large scale orchestral concerts. The Hall is particularly grand. If youre in Oxford for an open day, or at any other time, go and visit Regents. Definitely asked the teacher for homework Lily, Honestly I had no clue this was a college, to be honest Harriet, Creative, artistic people who want to join a drama or music society at uni Sophie, Awesome views over the River Wear. First-year rooms - these are either in brand new staircases, or beautiful old buildings. sophie hart, Started by: BEAUTIFUL. You can get lunch in hall 5 days a week for around 2-4 depending on how hungry you are. (No termly catering charge!! All fourth years can be accommodated in college. Fantastic home ground for cricket, rugby, and football. Crazy (amazing) traditions like the Time Ceremony. 24 hour beautiful library with a painted ceiling, plus two smaller ones which are also 24-hour. Although living out is expensive, there is something refreshing about not worrying about deans checking up on your curfew and having a garden to do as you please in during the summer + somewhere to stay to enjoy Oxford itself outside of term times if you so desire), In the first year, you may have to climb up to 6 flights of stairs to get to your room - but it'll have a great view! Opportunities for employment! Is the other side of the Magdelen Bridge, for better or for worse. Accommodation is a little more expensive than in some other colleges. Good sports teams - catz also takes part in most cuppers events. No one can deny it looks super cool, but the only thing you get told about it is that no one gets in Laura, Has a very posh and old fashioned building, so the people must be posh and old fashioned Emily, Beautiful building but supposedly the people dont have as much character Annabel, Either extremely posh Harry Potter fans or musicians Sophie, People only choose it because they want to live in a castle, and then regret it as soon as they realise they wont actually get to Katie, International students and horse girls. YOUNG. Some of the first year accommodation is in need of renovation, although almost all rooms have now been seen to. There are practise rooms for musicians to use. A 10 minute walk to shops can be grating after three years. Keble's library is large and has a lot of seating but can get quite busy in Trinity leading up to exams. We also offer flexible learning options (Online, Hybrid and In-person) for many of our programs. Opening hours can be limited (but still open until 1am). Students at the prestigious Oxford college were accused of using their bags and pockets to help smuggle out the college crockery. Great nightlife, there's always a big Brasenose group at most balls, we're accomplished crewdaters and have our own corner of Bridge nightclub. Bellbon123, Started by: Formal is only once every fortnight, so it's a big occasion for which people do get properly dressed up (but no gowns) and make a night of it. Great way to make money on the side. Beautiful chapel that often gets used for student concerts. The college is relatively far from the medical and science faculties, meaning that students have to get up early to get to lectures. - Trinity's got clubs ranging from debating to philanthropic, from social to sporty, from journalistic to photography, and it's easy to set up your own society if you feel something's lacking. It was stupidly far from both town and my academic department compared to most of the other colleges at the time. with friends from other colleges, you could.). Down-to-earth and practical, everyone feels at home here but patent leather in navy, bottle-green or maroon and pony-skin uppers topped with tassels give these stylish classics a quirky twist to match the off-beat and definitely over-the-top nature of this college. Bathrooms - three or so staircases with ensuite bathrooms, including some available to first years. The college has a reputation for excellent welfare services - there's an in-house college nurse and councillor. Lovely staff. . Like the "model minority" myth, it falsely positions non-Asians of color as . More modern and the slightly larger distance from town means no tourists, and generally slightly quieter than the hustle and bustle of the centre - obviously it's not far away from it either so you don't feel cut off, but gives you some much needed space sometimes. I think we're currently champions in men's and women's football, always in the top 3 for rugby (champions last two years running and the only college to have a 2nd XV), do well in rowing, recently won basketball cuppers etc. With Christ Church next door Oriel is just off the tourist trail but right next to the Meadows, perfect for evening strolls, early morning runs, and of course: rowing! dertimedra, Started by: It's open for any girl in Regent's. Big and cheap bar which has just been refurbished. Freshers also get assigned two college parents from the year above at the beginning of their first term, who can answer any questions, help out with any problems and generally make settling in to college life a lot easier. Scroll down to crown your hottest bachelor! heartfhuls, Started by: | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples MISUNDERSTOOD. Despite my background, I do not feel out of place at Oxford University. The assertion that the media promotes stereotypes applies today. We receive very good teaching and have repeatedly come top of the Norrington table (which ranks Oxford colleges on their degree results) in the last few years. Being opposite exam schools. Significantly extended with a modern, state of the art new study centre on 3 floors linked directly to the old library. Founded in 1966, Wolfson is one of the University of Oxford's largest graduate colleges and truly unique in its academic scope and international reach. Wadham has a very inclusive reputation - whether that of women (Wadham was founded by a woman! The college is a short walk away from the Sheldonian theatre, where concerts are often performed, and there are a range of other music venues close by. (We are campaigning to change this! Recent performances in our own hall have included Andras Schiff performing the Goldberg Variations. It is well-stocked for most subjects; if you request a book, the library will normally buy a copy if it's going to be useful to you and future students. RELAXED. As one of the three Turl Street Colleges, Exeter is part of the annual Turl Street Arts Festival which is always lots of fun. Facilities include three brand new tennis courts, a rugby/football pitch, a cricket pitch, a croquet pitch, a pavilion for changing, and plenty of space for Lacrosse, Hockey, and other field sports. The bar is also entirely student run, giving students the opportunity for bar work and to run a business while at University. Not very active political side of JCR, and people seem reasonably apathetic towards college politics (but this means no arguments in JCR meetings about the JCR's stance on divisive political issues that are totally irrelevant to student life!). But every room does have its own sink. Regents social events are popular across the University. IBkidinthecorner, Started by: You only pay for the meals you go to, rather than a termly rate, and any guests you bring pay the same as members. The walk itself passes by the Radcliffe Camera making it one of the most beautiful commutes undertaken by any student.