But according to His principle of government it is not merely personal guilt, but that which, from despising the testimony of God, is thus morally accumulating from age to age in the ratio of the testimony of God and the wickedness that has been indulged by men in spite of it. Nothing more is to be done. There are a lot of people today fighting against God. The whole Middle East area of Israel all the way through the land from the Valley of Megiddo clear on down to Edom will be crowded with the vast armies of the world. He destroys the assembled rebels who have gathered together against Him. (iii) It may be that the name is one which can be revealed only at the final union of Christ and the Church. That religious system has an incomparably nearer connection with this mysterious harlot than anything we have yet spoken of. In him was light; and that light was the life of man. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as a voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth ( Revelation 19:6 ). What about little babies?" It is altogether unfeasible, and it shows how carelessly we read the Bible that people are not stopped by such an expression. Ruling includes destroying as well as reigning over (Psalms 2:9). There is nothing in Jesus to harm him; there is every thing to bless there is Himself to be enjoyed, even if they have failed in the full knowledge of it here below. See it explained in the notes on that place, and on Revelation 14:19-20. There is, however, a great deal more than this on the subject, and given with great precision in scripture, because this is merely the principle of sin in one or other form from the beginning. To the same world in which He suffered, according to the scriptures, He will come back. Next they will seize her resources. He has reserved the matter, though not without enough to guide our thoughts, as we have seen. Some ancient authorities insert two-edged, from the parallel passage in Revelation 1:16. So, Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. The very reverse is the undeniable fact. Smoke rose: This is because of the fire (compare 17:16, 18; 18:8-9, 18; But the church consists of souls called out from the earth, and is not of the world: consequently to the church the time is always at hand. The In her own course, and in the matters of her portion, the church does not know time at all. It is to Jesus. It is simply said that the glorified are to follow the Lord in victorious power, and nothing more, "clothed in fine linen, white, pure." "At the last day" does not mean merely an instant of time. And though they are but a seed, a This is of great importance. First, he alone can see the inmost thoughts and desires of any man. Verse 5. The seven Spirits of God (Greek: , ta hepta pneumata tou theou) are mentioned four times in the Book of Revelation, and in the Book of Isaiah it names each Spirit.Revelation 1:4: John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven . But it fails to account for the differences. Everything that belongs to the body of Christ is unearthly and unworldly. Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.". [3] In this chapter, heaven exults over the fall of Babylon the Great. avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.". being addressed here to add to the other 3 mentioned groups. Night and day it shall not be quenched; its smoke shall go up for ever and ever. So, God has judged the false religious system that corrupted the earth with her spiritual fornication. It is not complicated, just bare all to God. Then entire sorry results of human depravity will finally be vanquished. He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God Norris' Commentary on the Book of Revelation. And He is called the True witness. His armour; and that is a vesture dipped in blood, either his own blood, by which he purchased this mediatorial power, or the blood of his enemies, over whom he has always prevailed. But that idea is wholly insufficient to cover or meet the word of God, which gives clear and strong reasons that prove the mistake of applying this to the pope as its complete fulfilment. And I saw the beast [that is the antichrist], and the kings of the earth [which have been drawn by the demonic forces], and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army ( Revelation 19:18-19 ). There was not yet fairly out before men what God foresaw as that which must finally provoke His judgment. "And no curse shall be any more: and the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him." of the bride, the Lamb's wife. this that is glorious in his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength?" We have already come upon two vast multitudes in heaven, the martyrs in Revelation 7:9 and the angels in Revelation 5:11. "Praise our God," it said, "all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great.". This is the meaning of "one hour with the beast.". He was filled with astonishment that this mysterious form of evil, this counter-testimony of the enemy (not antichrist, but antichurch), should seem and be largely accepted as the holy catholic church of God, that Christendom, if not Christianity, should at the same time become the bitterest of persecutors, more murderously incensed against the witnesses of Jesus and the saints of God than ever paganism had been in any country or all ages. We had Babylon with a spuriously ecclesiastical but a really murderous character, and at the same time guilty of corruption with the kings of the earth. Chapter 19 of Revelation is the only place in the Bible that this name describing God is used. Here is most likely the multitude of the angels, first in the Te Deum of praise. God. Holding on to what others knew before them, or little more, they reduce themselves to a minimum of the truth. It was, as H. B. Swete puts it, like "the din of a vast concourse, the roar of a cataract, the roll of thunder.". Tribulation saints. [Note: See David J. MacLeod, The Seven Last Things.] Return Revelation 19 In this chapter we have, I. shed by them. Verse 12 . "And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven, Come, gather yourselves together unto the great supper of God; that ye may eat flesh of kings, and flesh of chiliarchs, and flesh of strong [men], and flesh of horses, and of those that sit on them, and flesh of all, both free and bond, both small and great." He knows What is there to hinder it? Worship is for God alone. Even man himself when he was innocent in Eden was not called. Further, a negative point of great importance is presented by the seer, "And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God the Almighty is the temple of it, and the Lamb. 5:25-32), and the Verse 3. (This takes you to our other website), News Links, Recommended Books, News Sites, and Bibles He has, I think, exactly that class in view when He sanctions the calling him who hears to say "Come." a. Each of these three great attributes of God should awaken its own response in the heart of man. Blessed are those who are invited to the feast of the marriage of the Lamb!" THE CONQUERING CHRIST ( Revelation 19:11 ). (ii) His name is the Word of God. It is one of those cases which every now and then appear where God checks and reproves our foolish curiosity, as He alone knows how to do perfectly. Gods meting out of justice (verse 2); (3) Although Hallelujah appears only here in the Bible, it occurs in a translated form frequently. It is said that the judgments of God are true and just. Out of his mouth goes this sharp sword, His word. 19:4 And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who sits on the throne saying, "Amen. Armies of angels are with him, but his conquest is not by armies or weapons. [Note: Ladd, pp. And after these things After this affecting representation of the certain destruction of Babylon, as the seat of the antichristian kingdom; I heard a great voice of much people in heaven A great chorus, who, with united voices, began to praise God on the occasion, saying, Alleluia That is, Praise ye Jehovah, or, He that is, and was, and is to come; a title which . I have examined Him. There was a Jewish belief that no man could know the name of God until he had entered into the life of heaven. But the day is coming when Satan will be allowed to have things his own way. We had seen Babylon twice: first, in the circle of God's warnings and testimonies; and then as the object of God's judgment under the seven bowls. Unhallowed love will end in hatred. Revelation. I admit that afterwards no doubt the new heaven and the new earth are seen; but who contends that this is the sphere to which the Lord comes? But now heaven is opened for yet graver facts, and of incalculable moment for man and the universe and the enemy. These are those saved before Pentecost, Yet religion, be it ever so corrupt, acts as a restraint on human will, as a government does, however evil. 11:25-27). And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses ( Revelation 19:14 ). So, the great religious system, spiritual fornication is that endeavor to worship God in an unprescribed way. The word of God, said Jeremiah, is like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces ( Jeremiah 23:29). 4:17; see Stephen Armstrong. He has with him the armies of heaven. In short, no testimony can avail, no work, power, or glory without the word of God applied by the Spirit of God. incorporates believers, the Old Testament saints, the Church age saints, and the harlot. For the day of vengeance is in my heart, and the year of my redeemed is come"( Isaiah 63:3-4 ). We can see that, for instance, in the old story in which Jacob filched Esau's blessing from Isaac ( Genesis 27:1-46). Verse 19 Revelation 19:19 Study . That kings had dallied with her, that the beast had once borne her up, will only turn to gall the more bitter to her, who, faithless to God, had staked the usurped and abused name of Christ to win what was now lost for ever. This also is a no less important element for understanding the chapter. 16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. *It is the more strikingly characteristic, because of such language as Psalms 149:6-9, which speaks of all the saints contemplated on earth for the day of Jehovah. Therefore we find in connection with the book a most solemn warning. They begin to admire the instrument. "And if any one was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire." There are always those who are ready to challenge the fairness of it.