For promotion to paygrades E4 through E6, the advancement-in-rate examination score, the performance evaluations, service in paygrade, awards, and previous examination performances are factors of what system? Add the information for the proposal you are working on to the C&P in the next fillable form section. Current and Pending Support, also known as Other Support, is a form typically used by federal sponsors to request information for the PI(s) and Key Personnels current and pending research projects. Briefly describe the research being performed and explicitly identify any overlaps or synergies with the proposed research. The percentage per year to be devoted to the other projects. If asked by NIH staff, supporting documentation, which includes copies of contracts, grants or any other agreement specific to senior/key personnel foreign appointments and/or employment with a foreign institution for all foreign activities and resources that are reported in Other Support. All research resources including, but not limited to, foreign financial support, research or laboratory personnel, lab space, scientific materials, selection to a foreign talents or similar-type program, or other foreign or domestic support must be reported. Until the updates can be made, uncheck the box(es) to exclude the project(s) from the generated C&P. Biosketch: Promote to Current Budget once completed and re-route for department reviews. The site . Article 38 requires the disclosure of current support or in-kind contribution information that was not included as part of the proposal submission process. Co-Is proposing to spend 10% or more of their time to the proposed effort must provide a list of ongoing and pending projects and proposals (regardless of salary support) that require a significant share (more than 10%) of their time. Specifically, NIH funded researchers must disclose the following: 1. Proposals do not need to include the current proposal on the list of pending proposals unless submitted to another funding opportunity (NASA or another sponsor). Johns Hopkins researchers whose research is supported with federal funding should update and maintain their current and pending or other support documentation. As a reminder, current and pending support information is used to assess the capacity of the individual to carry out the research as proposed, as well as to help assess any potential overlap/duplication with the project being proposed. This change will impact all individuals listed as Key Personnel (PI, Co-PI, Co-I and other Key Personnel) when requesting federal research funding. In contrast to NIH, NSF does not consider a Postdoctoral Fellow who directly receives their own support as in-kind current or pending support. Title of funded project or proposal title; Program name (if appropriate) and sponsoring agency or organization, including a point of contact with their telephone number and email address; Total amount received by that investigator (including indirect costs) or the amount per year if uniform (e.g., $50 k/year); and. Posted on 02/07/2022 by. PIs and other Senior/Key Personnel should work through JHURA to notify NIH of any previously undisclosed Other Support. 2. PM-KEE E-4 Career Info Exam 2021. How should in-kind support be included on Current & Pending Support? Regarding the individual promotion recommendation block(s) on an evaluation, which of the following statements identifies three of the content areas? If no effort is listed in the budget, the PI will need to estimate how many person months they expect to dedicate to this project. The Guide will be effective for applications submitted (via or due, on or after October 4, 2021. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. The C&P tool presents the role that is listed in the FP or AWD (e.g., Post Doctoral Associate, Other Professional, etc. This past October, NSF approved the use of SciENcv to create an NSF Biosketch for proposal preparation. A. NIH is anticipating that a template will be available in SciENcv beginning in FY 2022. Time commitment by the investigator for each year of the period of performance. For current and pending support, should my organization list the total amount requested for our subaward, or should we list the total award amount for the . What is an Expired award, and why do expired awards appear in the C&P tool? FAL 2022-04, NASA Guidebook for Proposers Responding to a NASA Notice of Funding Opportunity, Institutionally Limited Proposals and Requesting Approval, Biographical Sketch Requirements by Sponsor, Current and Pending / Other Support Requirements by Sponsor, Conflict of Interest Business Procedure FAQs, Non-Domestic Influence Frequently Asked Questions, When and How to Check for Debarment/Suspension, PI has a specific level of Committed Effort, Describe the In-Kind on the Facilities, Equipment, and Other Section of the proposal, Program Directors, training faculty and others involved in the oversight of training grants. The Rev FP will show in the C&P Tool while in a Submitted state, but once Awarded it will no longer populate in the report. . For promotion to paygrades E4 through E6, the advancement-in-rate examination score, the performance evaluations, service in paygrade, awards, and previous examination performances are factors of what system? Note: Information on how to use the Update Person Months and Update Current and Pending Reporting Data activities are included in the FAQs section of this page. Note: the search feature only brings up the top 10 results, so it may be necessary to try searching in different ways (i.e., try searching by the first name if the last name didnt work) or to search by the whole name (e.g., Smith, John or "John Smith"), 4. For Department of Energy contracts, under Department of Energy Directive 486.1A (issued September 4, 2020), persons working on such contracts are required to fully disclose and, if necessary, terminate their participation in foreign government sponsored talent recruitment programs from Foreign Countries of Risk. Visit our new resource for guidance on how to fill out the new Current & Pending Fillable Forms. Should this activity be disclosed as Other Support? In order to add new personnel to an ERA Award, an Award Change Request will need to be submitted in the AWD (follow, ; see Changes to Key Personnel section) to add the new personnel. Gifts also do not need to be reported (see NSF's FAQs for their definition of a gift). (a) In summarizing the excerpt as a whole, what three central ideas would you include? It is important that all university faculty carefully manage your academic identity so that others can find and see your work. In the interim, proposers must continue to prepare this document in accordance with the guidance specified in the PAPPG (NSF 20-1). If a word or word group is already correct write C. jupiter,earth,andmars\cancel{\text{ jupiter, earth, and mars}}jupiter,earth,andmars (Jupiter, Earth, and Mars). Dear Colleagues: *Please note that you must be connected to the JHU VPN to view the document Forthcoming NIH Requirements Related to Other Support Disclosures. In general, any principal investigator or co-investigator and anyone who would qualify as key personnel are considered covered individuals.. The table below lists the SmartForms that the C&P Tool uses to identify if a submitted proposal or active award should be pulled into an individuals C&P report and how this information can be updated. 3. This is likely occurring because the individual is listed within an AWD or FP SmartForm that the C&P Tool pulls information from. To ensure NSIPS/ESR date is accurate and up-to-date prior to detaching from a duty station, which of the following should be verified? 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, An Overview of Military Service Records at NARA. - Named means selected as PI or any Additional Personnel on FP 1.1.1 or AWD 1.0. Create a simulation budget and update the appropriate person months effort. Expired awards are those that are past the Award End Date listed in ERA, but have not been closed out yet. Down Arrow. Once added, the Update Person Months activity will need to be completed to include their appropriate person months on the project. Resources from the applicant institution, such as core facilities or shared equipment. Who should I contactif I have additional questions about the ERA C&P Tool? Use the overlap field to identify overlap, duplication of effort, or synergistic efforts with other awards or activities. As noted above, all committed effort should be reported on the Current & Pending Support document. Data released by the Treasury shows that, Go to the Marine Corps Manpower and Reserve Affairs website and. Inform yourself of all sponsor requirements and follow all directions for content and format. 2. Name and address of the agencies and/or other parties supporting the other research projects. Most funding agencies designate who they consider a covered individual, and JHURA and ORA maintain updated information on agency-specific rules. You should also link your ORCID iD to JHU to prepare for possible future integration with local systems. 3. For every activity, list the following items: com is on a mission to accelerate the worlds transition to cryptocurrency. However, if requested by NIH staff, the information may still need to be sent to NIH prior to the required date. 1 / 14. Report all resources and other support for all individuals designated in an application as senior/key personnel including for the program director/principal investigator (PD/PI) and for other individuals who contribute to the scientific development or execution of a project in a substantive, measurable way, whether or not they request salaries or compensation. Google Translate). Last Updated: 5/11/22 Individual Names:AWD Smartform2.0 Project Information> Subsection 8.0 Select other ASU personnel who will participate in this project: and Smartform 1.0 Award Setup > Subsection 2.0 Sponsor Principal Investigator (P/I), Person Months:Update Person Months activity in AWD (will automatically populate from the FP on AWDs created after 11/30/2020). Even if you have previously disclosed an appointment through eDisclose, you should follow this process. 1. Review data for accuracy and completeness. Financial support for laboratory personnel, travel, living expenses, etc. Information about each schools process for reviewing foreign appointments may be foundhere. 2. An Introduction to Export Controls at JHU, Human Trafficking / Trafficking in Persons (TIPS), Investigational New Drug (IND)/ Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) Regulatory Program, Mexico City Policy / Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance. The above certification statement is currently not included on the PDF template, nor is there a designated signature/date field. If the time commitment or dollar value is not readily ascertainable, reasonable estimates should be provided. For other report types, this will need to be manually added within the fillable PDF form or by typing the information into the Word document. Policy Office website. First, you must submit to NIH copies of any contracts that are related to your foreign academic appointments. The application creates a digitally-signed 1650/3 that is uploaded to the OMPF along with the award certificate. Please consult theoriginal NIHNoticeandFAQs, as well asJHUs Current and Pending Support pagefor additional guidance on what needs to be disclosed. Please note that DOD proposals for other types of awards may have different requirements; please check the program solicitation and direct any questions to your OSP Proposal Team. New Required NIH Other Support Disclosures Beginning January 25, 2022. DOD requires full disclosure of current and pending support from domestic and non-domestic sources. In my school, faculty have a 9-month appointment. Thank you again for your compliance with federal laws and regulations. I occasionally consult for industry. NIH Notice Published 5/5/2021: The NIH issued a notice on May 5, 2021 that updated biosketch and other support format pages and instructions are available for use in applications, Just-in-Time (JIT) Reports, and Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs). I have communicated with you previously about NIH and NSF disclosure requirements, and I am writing to you now as all federal agencies have begun requiring these disclosures. Yes, all effort committed to the project should be reported. office/laboratory space, equipment, supplies, or employees or students supported by an outside source. (b) What is the single most essential message of Equiano's autobiographical account? This has become even more important as investigators are facing additional scrutiny on the completeness and accuracy of other support and biosketch disclosures. The percentage per year to be devoted to the other projects. What document should he complete next? In-kind completed support from the last three years does not need to be included. As noted above, however, proposers and awardees may begin using this table immediately. Use of the new format pages is preferred immediately and required for due dates and submissions on or after January 25, 2022 (NOT-OD-21-110). Professor, Vice Provost, and Chief Risk Officer. Members on active duty and drilling reservists should receive the original award (medal/ribbon) from their commanding officer. 1001 and 287, and 31 U.S.C. Click the button. Theophilus Halley Smoot Professor of Engineering Science. Jon Links Completed support does not need to be reported for In-kind contributions. The following requirements are from the NASA Guidebook for Proposers Responding to a NASA Notice of Funding Opportunity, revised May 2020. to verify current and pending personal awards you should use what source navy If your document is in a processed status, please contact DFAS for payment information or go to the myInvoice application, which is now a part of Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment, or contact DFAS for payment information dx For pending proposals, provide the total amount of requested funding. The Current and Pending Support Form assists in identifying potential scientific, budgetary or commitment overlap in financial assistance awards. Use the Notify PNT activity within the Funding Proposal (FP) site for the declined proposal, to alert ORSPA that the proposal was not selected for funding. Person months should reflect the current year and all future years, not historical effort. It is ultimately the responsibility of the individual researcher to ensure that the report of Other Support is complete and accurate to the best of their knowledge. Failure to submit this information may cause the proposal to be returned without further review. 1. If you already have an ORCID iD, please keep it updated. This response should vary from proposal to proposal, as it is specific to the proposed project. Finally, the federal government now requires all covered individuals to certify that they have been made aware of these disclosure requirements. If you have questions, please contact Jaime Blanck at the Welch Medical Library or Robin Sinn at the Sheridan Libraries. Sponsor will need to approve budget changes. You may use a machine translation service to translate the document. Note: An NIH-style C&P document is known as Other Support and is typically submitted at the time of award, whereas an NSF-style Current & Pending document is submitted with the proposal. To aid in your decision making about what to include in Other Support, the university has prepared a FAQ webpage related to these changes. time, services, specific research activities, money, etc.) Navigating Your Electronic Service Record (ESR) Self Service account Using CAC and CAC-enabled computer with Internet access, log into ESR at Choose the DoD CA-XX certificate, not the email certificate. To participate in the next advancement exam, a waiver of time-in-rate requirement for Early Promote (EP) Sailors is granted by what authority? Current and Pending Support, also known as Other Support, is a form typically used by federal sponsors to request information for the PI (s) and Key Personnel's current and pending research projects. Definition. In-kind support such as office/laboratory space, equipment, supplies, employees, and students not intended for use on the project/proposal must be reported within the In Kind Contributions section of the NSF and NIH forms. Sponsor will need to approve budget changes. This must be added to the PDF template, or if using SciENcv, it must be attached. . Note: Before uploading to FastLane or, the information in the C&P forms pulled from the ERA C&P Tool will need to be transferred into the NSF Fillable PDF form downloaded from NSFs website. Current and pending support includes the proposal being submitted, ongoing projects, and any proposal currently under consideration, from all sources, regardless of whether the support is provided through the proposing organization or is provided directly to the individual. We discuss scientific issues of interest to us, and we often co-author papers together. The Rev FP will show in the C&P Tool while in a Submitted state, but once Awarded it will no longer populate in the report. Department of Defense As part of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2019, the Department of Defense (DoD) was directed to ensure that academic institutions that participate in defense research and engineering activities have their key personnel make full disclosure of the following Other Support information: A list of all current projects the individual is working on, in addition to any future support the individual has applied to receive, regardless of the source. Potential scientific and budgetary overlap with a proposed research project This NIH notice reminds researchers that Other Support includes but is not limited to: Other Supportdoes not includetraining awards, prizes, or gifts. Separation from service is defined as discharge, retirement or death in service based on a rolling date. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. If you click on Personal Awards Search, your personal awards should be displayed. Title and objectives of the other research projects. These should be listed under Facilities and Other Resources. Log In My Account fi. Proceed to NSF (or Other) instructions or NIH instructions. The table below lists the SmartForms that the C&P Tool uses to identify if a submitted proposal or active award should be pulled into an individuals C&P report and how this information can be updated. office/laboratory space, equipment, supplies, employees). The NIH C&P form in ERA will allow the RA to specify the number of blank rows for Current awards and Pending proposals to be added prior to downloading the report. This is likely occurring because the individual is listed within an AWD or FP SmartForm that the C&P Tool pulls information from. Current and pending support is usually not required for students. This will download a PDF document which you will open and see the C&P Report. Research conducted during the summer semester for faculty members with an Academic Year appointment, regardless of whether or not remuneration is received. Once on BOL, click on Navy Personnel Command Documents Services. You should provide your contracts alongside the relevant request form as part of that approval process. All proposals and ongoing projects/awards. Supporting References: With the release of their revised Grant Policy Statement in October of 2019, NIH revised their definition of Other Support. Please note that NASA proposals for other types of awards may have different requirements; please check the program solicitation and direct any questions to your OSP Proposal Team. The official history of assignments during a person's Navy career while on active duty should be found in what systems? Post-award, recipients must address any substantive changes by submitting a prior approval request to NIH in accordance with the NIHGPS section on Administrative RequirementsChanges in Project and BudgetNIH Standard Terms of Award., Information on other active and pending support will be requested as part of the Just-in-Time procedures, Consult the NIH Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), NIH defines Other Support to include [A]ll resources made available to researcher or senior/ key personnel in support of and/or related to all of their research endeavors, regardless of whether or not they have monetary value and regardless of whether they are based at the institution the researcher identifies for the current grant. If you are submitting an Other Support document to NIH, you may find this annotated version of the NIH Other Support form helpful. Once added, the, This can also occur if the RA includes non-budgeted personnel within FP Smartform 1.2.1 Lead Unit, Investigators & Allocations but not within FP Smartform 1.1.1 Additional Personnel. Step 2: Follow the steps under the "Obtaining Your Identity History Summary" section. Promote to Current Budget once completed and re-route for department reviews. Contractor Employee participation in any Other Foreign Government Sponsored or Affiliated Activity is restricted. It is the responsibility of the Investigator/Key Person to make sure that all research projects and affiliations are disclosed and that the document is completed in its entirety. Awards will not be ingested into the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) if they are not reflected in BOL NDAWS.