Lots of rain In the winter. Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission. How to see others in a different light and to love them and feel compassion for them. (Paul), Youre girlfriend will NOT wait for you. (Merrilyn), We always road our velo solexes and scooters (1963 to 1966 without helmets). (Anna), People always told me it would be SO HARD. Organization. Buy one that will fit a book of Mormon, some pamphlets, a water bottle and a camera. HUMOR AND SPIRIT ARE POWERFUL TOOLS in making relationships work. (Nicholai), Walking out of the apartment was the start of something crazy- but crazy wonderful. I love how particular they can be, and how they say hello to every person in the room before they sit down. Powerful tools to collect, organize and share your missionary experiences! Throughout our time as missionaries here, we have learned three important truths about missionary work that wed like to share with our fellow missionaries around the world. I hope I get to go back as a couple missionary. Many of them understand English. Im so excited to see how it grows and now the temple is being dedicated! 4 seasons without the extremes you get in the Midwest. In September 2019, the third French-speaking branch in the United States was organized in Arizona. You cant help them feel Christs love if you dont show them love. (Valan), We found a guy that hadnt been to church in twenty years and he was re-baptized and reactivated. (Michael), Once, my companion and I were waiting for the mtro (subway) when a homeless man came up to us to ask for money. 4. Life will go on without you back home, but you can make the most of other peoples lives in your mission because they need you. (Bryan), Almost knocked out a drunk Irish guy that kept jabbing me in the side trying to start a fight. LDS Mission Network - Mission Index List We will in effect be Gods. (Valan), You will succeed. Many people told me I wouldnt see any since I was going to France. We cant wait to hear from you! (Scott), I would say to ignore and not listen to anybody who tries to tell you that Europe is super hard and that you wont get hardly any baptisms. Frequently Asked Questions. (Dennis), Do not feel like you are not finding success if there are few baptisms. In general, weather is nice, except it occasionally snows in the winter and there are occasional heat waves in the summer. For many of them, the path that led them to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ wasnt easy, but meeting these people has helped us see how the Lord guides people to find His true gospel. Now, as I work, it seems a lot of people only want to associate with those who can help them. Over coming adversity. no, thank you. I was a part of many individuals accepting the gospel and joining the church. Those young men were us giving him the Book Of Mormon. (Jordan), Weather was always great. *Click here to browse Paris Mission gifts. (Anonymous), Crepes, bread, cheese, pate, patisserie, grec, kabab, etc. Shirt designs include France ParisMission logo/emblem shirts and Called to Serve shirts. No smoking no drinking NO DRINKING WINE. We soon discovered that the Arizona Phoenix Mission is home to a large population of French speakers originally from West and Central Africa, Haiti, and other countries around the world. All these things I learned are essential in my present life and future. When I got there, it was amazing how many members came over to welcome me back with so much love even though I had been gone for quite some time in a different area. Humanitarian Service Missionaries) Learn More Education I was also blessed to learn how to set goals and work toward those goals. The people outside of Paris seem more friendly to Americans than Parisians do. Ratatouille. All over the world, God has called His children to serve in capacities where they can help bring the knowledge of a Savior to the people around them. They encourage you to learn French, and become part of their home. What was the worst thing that could happen? The food is unforgettable. (Anna), There are two separate cultures in the mission: The city culture and the countryside culture. If not, they are cheap enough where you can buy a few. We waited for the train going the other direction and it must have been 30-40 minutes later that we got off at her stop. This list includes the missionarys name, URL and when their blog was updated. Its the best mission ever! It was very embarrassing. (Roberto), Good, sturdy walking shoes- Danskos maybe. (Doug), Congratulated a person for having been robbed. As the sister missionaries who served in this area before us visited him and the Spirit taught him, he came to know for himself the truthfulness of the message they shared. IMO (Dennis), If you obey, work and communicate openly with your companion, you will be happy. How to build an extra floor on a building. Many of the things I learned from trying to get the award helped me to understand the gospel better. Miss those things dearly. Luckily, we were able to walk away without to much injury. Learn on your mission how to recognize the kind of person you do not want to be tied to and the kind you do AND LEARN HOW TO BE THE KIND OF PERSON THAT WILL MAKE A RELATIONSHIP LAST. Never had done it. I should have just tried and learned rather than being worried about being embarrassed. (Anna), 1. Just when we were starting to talk, she jumped up and ran to the door This is my stop! The members are awesome. (Jacob), We were riding bikes one day with our skirts pinned and our helmets. (Stuart), Crpe, Burrito Fte, Donner Kebab, Brioche, Galette Brtonne, Crme Frache Pizza. (Stuart), I suffered from debilitating migraines during my mission. Layers. The temporal/secular history of the Church is often many individuals only exposure to the Church, but intelligent discussion of such is often an amazingly positive and readily accessible way to reach people about the Gospel. You will become fluent enough. That was always a good spiritual experience. That will bless your life and the life of your family forever. Utah Salt Lake City East Mission. Missionary Training Centers - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day But there was no time to jump out and talk to her, get her number or set up an appointment. My best reasoning is that however we got here as we are now (Big Bang or whatever), we are here. I know that I choose my joy or sadness. And I loved hearing peoples stories. (Jordan), Riding bicycles down the hill from the supermarket with a Christmas tree tied to the back of my companion with her scarf. France Lyon Mission | My Mission I smiled kindly and struck up a conversation. (Doug), There are an estimated 500,000+ Chinese natives living in Paris and surrounding suburbs. This gives them something real serious to think about. One-hundred-fifty years later, in 1981, that number had grown to 71 (Deseret News 1983 Church Almanac 1982, pp. DC North - President Dennis E. Simmons Group. Some random guy didnt like that and ran up to my companion and I and threw a punch at me but stopped his swing right before it hit my face. It will be the hardest two years of your life but will be two years that will shape you in ways you could only imagine. (UK), French is hard and the only way you can learn is by trying and making mistakes and learning if you speak and read and write French. (Anna), Lapin la moutarde, fraisiers, quiche, poulet aux arachides Africain. (Jacob), There are a lot of cognates in French. But work is progressing, and swinging upward. In the end, the most important part of the letter we both received that day were the words, You are hereby called to serve. We love our assignment in French-speaking Arizona, but most of all, we love participating in the work of the Lord. Today, more than 59,000 Saints across Spain are "remembering without ceasing [their] work of faith, and labour of love" (1 Thessalonians 1:3). You will never be in that place with that person again. (Michael), In Meaux, a Sunday School instructor asked me to get a tableau. (Alex), I made a slight mistake on words and told people we created God, not created by God. (Dennis). (Michael), Just be careful where you go after dark. we just taught a lesson about Jesus Christ to a friend in the neighborhood but he then asked if he could have some of our hair. You will learn sacrifice real fast. He participates in the temple preparation class we teach twice per week, and his testimony is a blessing to everyone around him. Especially shoes, coat, umbrella (although the wind will destroy it). The claires chocolats there were really good, too. (Douglas), Everybody kept telling me that a mission would be so difficult, hard work, lots of rejection and stress. Pick things that you feel great in when you feel beautiful in the morning, you can stop worrying about yourself and your confidence is boosted as you go around talking to everyone. (Scott), Organization, being bold, self discipline, diligence, hard work, following the spirit, studying scriptures, working with others. Here are survey responses from France ParisRMs, to give you a snapshot into what its like to live in the mission. Sometimes I would directly translate English to French and confuse people too haha. (Drew), Paris West & East, St. Brieuc, Versailles. (Michael), Anytime you get to pray with someone or bear your testimony of the Savior is an incredibly spiritual experience! Living Life. But all of the skills and leadership traits and work ethic I received from the mission is allowing me to excel after my mission. I learned to listen more than I talk. Weve learned some valuable lessons from our unique mission experience. Among the hardest things Id done. Well, we started walking one direction out of the station. (Kale), Dont worry too much about getting Everything before you leave there are markets with skirts and dresses, big shoe stores for when your shoes wear out, their styles are similar, and members and investigators will be happy to direct you on your P day to find more clothes. It was just awesome. (Bryan), Pack with quality luggage or large packs. The missionaries attracted converts and established a base for more Latter-day Saint French-speaking immigrants. France, Phone Number:33-1-34-80-04-83 Language. Spain - Statistics and Church Facts | Total Church Membership (Doug), Changed every aspect of my life. Serving missionaries, parents, and friends since 1995 . Tartiflette. But there are cheap marchs that youll walk through on P-day, shampoo & hygiene products you can pick up for a euro or two in big subway stations like La Dfense as you switch trains and things like that. (Mariah), Dont wear your clothes to deathjust buy some new suits when the old are worn out and the same goes for your shoes. The second taught me patience and flexibility. (Zakarias), Video interviews with returned missionaries, Cultural articles written by returned missionaries, aredheadmormonmissionaryinparis.blogspot.com, France Paris Mission President Pond Group, Paris Mission Pres. She was getting married the next day and her friends were having fun getting her embarrassed. Cheeses. I just waited until the last possible month to earn it. Just trust in the Lord. Utah LDS Missions - Lifey I did not have the gift of tongues from the get go, but I learned to accept myself for mistakes. (Zakarias), I wish I knew better how to listen, and especially how to work with members. Serve. Cant remember the name of the main cheese I loved. 78110 Le Vesinet (Kara), Being there when the first stake was formed in Versailles. She was overjoyed when we caught up with her! It didnt usually get too hot except for when the wind blew in from the Sahara. (Anonymous), It gets very hot and very cold. (Jeffrey), A lot haha honestly I learned self-confidence, I was blessed tremendously after my mission. We will have mastered all of the elements and planets and will have made our race immortal. Youll get rid of the big one quickly of you bring it. She nearly fell off the couch laughing. (Jeffrey), You will teach mostly African immigrants. You were called to that area to talk to the people you will talk to for a specific reason. To this day, he recalls how miraculous it was to meet missionaries in Arizona who could speak his language. The church and the work of the restoration will go forward and we can be a part if we choose. He decided to be baptized. (Elsa), It was very humid, with warm summers and cold winters. (Michael), Too many to list. During the 1960s, Church membership increased fivefold as missionaries and members worked to spread the gospel. Any pastry from the bakery around the corner from the train station in Rouen. (Merrilyn), I never ate cheese in my life. That part was pretty cool. That ended my first porting experience and the Elders bought me my first French pastry. (Nicholai), Friends, family, French Every good thing that has happened to me ever since. Members are helpful. We have the coolest mission song ever! Less stuff to pack is less stuff you have to carry around and keep up with. Each US mission has languages you are officially called to speak and then other languages that you might be asked to speak regardless of your call. We had to explain to him that we couldnt give him money because we were missionaries and he stopped, thought for a minute, and said, Oh! Other franciphone missions are Tahiti, Quebec, Haiti, Switzerland, and temple square. (Dennis), Once they opened up to you, you had a friend for life. So we turned the other way, and kept walking and bustling through the busy city square. Comfortable shoes (those flats wont last you long on the cobblestone roads!) (Paul), Some kids were throwing dirt clods at an old man and we told them to stop. 65,950,000 (July 2013 estimate) Operating. (Michael), It covers three countries. We were going to take a trip to Spain but decided not to. I loved learning about the French and African cultures I loved the history and sites everywhere I served. (Bryan), Cold wet winters. I got a letter saying that I had successfully completed the BBN mission and a new call letter came.