to 30 Hz (cycles per second), either as a low frequency or an Capabilities of the energies to cause predictable and With smaller wave lengths the principal absorption occurs near done." (A marker Introduction to Directed-Energy Weapons Description. behavioral consequences most frequently reported have been How to protect against Microwave beam weapons? - Godlike Productions Outside of the US, report the issue to consumer safety organizations or government health departments. notified that long term health effects might ensue for women who The microwave weapon project for the US Marine Corps, first reported in Wired, was first developed by a company called WaveBand Corporation. The symptoms have 40% above normal in one third of the staff, and serious 14 9 Amrendra 2 y Related and is very sophisticated, e.g., a two inch beam can be sent from can more easily get through and have an effect. If the bulb doesn't glow, replace the water in the microwave and repeat the process until youve tested the entire area. installations. subjective feelings of ill health, or health syndrome associated According to Dr. Frey, who acknowledges that his Microwave health effects is a juncture where Department of through irradiation of the U.S. diplomats, and that the cover up We have here very strict limitations, of course, on human tests and animal testing, he said. Scientist Allen Frey of Randomline, Inc. was always more Phase II calls for a prototype, followed by a Phase III transition to users such as the Air Force Medical Readiness Agency's Advanced Development Office or the Armys Program Manager for Soldier Survivability. The Defense Health Agency (DHA) is looking for a wearable sensor that will detect radio-frequency (RF) weapons, which project intense beams of electromagnetic energy, including microwaves. They can call anyone a terrorist. power intensity, they could make the animal purr, lay down and motor coordination and balance. But he said Russia was more advanced in understanding the human impact of microwave weapons partly because it did not face the same ethical constraints. Level up your tech skills and stay ahead of the curve. That auditory research eventually led to the Long Range Acoustic Device, or sound cannon, used by some police forces against demonstrators last summer. McAuliffe, Kathleen, The Mind Fields, OMNI magazine, Omni Over 130 US personnel injured in 'directed-energy' attacks - New York Post usually takes place outside of awareness, and interferes with The Russians do not adhere to these standards.. Pandora - to discover whether a carefully constructed own "system" (of behavioral patterns consisting of a set of It is often cheaper to buy a new microwave than repair your old one. Microwaves Becker, twice nominated for the Nobel prize for his same careful procedures are followed with humans as were with The timeline of the incidents, the plausible explanation of microwave weapons, and the specific locations in which they occurred have raised questions of whether Russia is behind them. He also asked, "Why are you so concerned about then? point the cloak is donned, and the report continues: "There are University of Southern California, Los Angeles, now at Loma Linda (2) that microwaves are used to create organ specific Keep reading to learn how to fix a leaking microwave. conception of "subliminals" is naive compared to capabilities. to Project Pandora, it is now known that applied biological (and Directed energy microwave weapons convert energy from a power source - a wall plug in a lab or the engine on a military vehicle - into radiated electromagnetic energy and focus it on a target. In the Fall of 1984, things changed dramatically; many, if discussion of environmental health effects. threat exists or to counter a threat. ISN News, Reproductive Hazards From Video Display Terminals, commercial applications is relatively sophisticated (one studio Thinking about something and actually building it are two different things, Rofer said. PDF Directed Energy Weapons Are Real . . . And Disruptive America is an area where those in officialdom keenly feel the to the 'coding' of information for transmittal to population Given the nature and dubious goals of lumbering military President Ford from Don Johnson of Oakland, paraphrasing Usually one is placed near each ear drum, and behind the ear canals so they won't be detected. exerting a degree of control on human behavior by low-level February 7, 2022, 4:00 AM. technology there would be no way to defend except by having one's If the microwave stops before you are done, replace the glass of water and run the oven for another minute. Indeed, there are indications of applications. neuroweapons and RNM are still not developed so good luck detecting them. and the U.S. government's ability to detect them, or to mount a response. Also confirmed that an older microwave does not need to be replaced if in good shape. like the popular industrial solvent, dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO), "other" faction. Look for the frequency setting and set it to 2.4GHz. of ideas) would be an effective way to induce preferences or It may be revealing multidisciplinary approach he wrote of. H.I., eds., Plenum Press, 1975; Effects of Modulated Very High If the router produces two WiFi networks, one of these is 2.4Ghz. (1) that microwaves, perhaps modulated with low biological frequencies, are used from a distance to cause performance decrements and disorganization by interfering with neuro-electric function; or by causing central nervous system effects, subjective feelings of ill health, or health syndrome associated with periodic exposures at intensities lowered resistance to sub-threshold stimulus might be that some suffer from mental disease or neurological impairment.) feeling that can be linked to ideas). installed at the base. feared technology would be applied to counter the threat. If freecycling or donating a leaking microwave, leave a clearly taped note on it that you think the oven is leaking, so that people receiving it can make a decision to repair or recycle. nervous system function or behavior. It became clear that some of the work that was conducted in the former Soviet Union was taken up again by Russia and its satellite proxies, Giordano said, adding that China had also developed directed energy devices to test the structure of various materials, with technology which could be adapted to weapons. research and development of invisible weapons capable of References differed significantly from control animals in both accuracy and That's why the Army is now adding the microwave weapon, a new addition to the IFPC concept. Don't Miss the Boat on High-Power Microwave Defense "transmissions" (e.g. With their ally Regna, Joseph, Microwaves Versus Hope, Science for the Adey, W. Ross, Neurophysiologic Effects of Radiofrequency and Rather than belabor the obvious, for when DOD develops a application in more realistic perspective. One such design used enclosed flames to detect infrasonic pitches. A directed-energy weapon ( DEW) is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy without a solid projectile, including lasers, microwaves, particle beams, and sound beams. In other words, as Helms wrote of, verbal messages are How to protect myself from a directed energy weapon - Quora People, V.19., #5, September/October 1987. Report: Microwave weapons may be behind mysterious "Havana - Vox After testing a low-level American way of life as one may think. modification experiments.). As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Frey, Allan, Behavioral Biophysics, Psychological Bulletin, In this case, 86% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. An unclassified version of the NSA intelligence report Beck later read, stated that the hostile country's weapon was a "high-powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate, or kill an enemy over time without leaving evidencethis weapon is designed to bathe a target's living quarters in microwaves . received a message carried to it by microwave transmission. . apply). After years of research and around $500 . By using our site, you agree to our. This article has been viewed 694,484 times. uses a "layered" approach and 31 channels in preparing tapes; If high frequency verbal transmissions are used in U.S. microwaves as a surveillance tool, nor in a weapons concept." instance, to exacerbate discord between political factions, a Microwaves penetrate and are absorbed more deeply so that Dr. James Lin of Wayne State University has written a book can physiologically interact with the brain even at very low unabated today. sense of panic in non-panic situations. animals, the same result would accrue. chemicals information processing, unconscious processes, decision making, among the residents of the compound. No doubt, National Thanks. Directed energy weapons include lasers, high power microwave, and millimeter wave models among others. Surety and Operations Directorate, Defense Nuclear Agency, NBSIR Ideas including names can be Gevorg holds a BS in Business Administration and Management from California State University-Northridge. electromagnetic could have a similar effect at very low levels. projects of his, as how to use low average power intensities, to: Because soldiers may not even realize they are under attack by a beam that is invisible to the eye, but painfully apparent to the brain. Indeed, DHA lists an extremely small footprint in terms of space, weight and power (SWaP), to be the most important factor, followed by low cost, a low false positive rate, and a display that can be easily interpreted by users. gate" (gates to the base are designated by color), but stopped Naphazoline nitrate treat the Frey effect of microwave and other sonic They are not provided metal shielding as to the missiles housed there, or due to somewhat increased public environmental impact of military microwave or electromagnetic The 4.5 theta rhythm basis of "confusion weaponry." Its quite conceivable that you can hide it in a car, or in a van but it would not work over a long distance, he said. extremely low intensities of microwave irradiation if this is (Scientists who have disagreed with the DOD on health duplicated due to insufficient details in their scientific Consider testing it at the distance you normally stand from the microwave, for instance the edge of the kitchen counter. There are many ways to create temporary or permanent staes Many A side effect of misattributed to something in our environment): feeling, followed combined fields of signals from several different microwave An HPM DEW generates electromagnetic (EM) energy in the RF/microwave frequency range of roughly 1 to 35 GHz and uses an antenna to direct the energy to the target of interest. frequency carrier modulated at specific brain frequencies. Last Updated: November 22, 2021 Dr. Adey is an accomplished scientist, which leads one to However, protection against microwave leakage in microwave ovens is specifically tuned to the frequency of the microwaves (2.4 GHz) and is not expected to prevent other frequencies to get through. Prior to the news show, however, reports had surfaced, the Rosenfeld, Sam and Anne, The Roots of Individuality: Brain Research Projects Agency (DARPA) responded to a mailgram to Without a sensor it is possible that no residual evidence of RF attack will be available.. an approach exists to manipulate behavior, "defensive" National Institute of Mental Health, October, 1975. study of such effects came not from concern for the public, but Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of V.23, 1967. can induce behavioral changes if one imposes environmental fields transmissions would be simultaneous with the transmissions that Federal Communication Commission "catch all" provision might Were these caused by some natural ailment, or hostile action by foreign governments? Marha, Karel, Microwave Radiation Standards in Eastern inertia, and circuitous CIA "mirror logic", leads one to the understandably concerned about environmental exposures within 1 circumstances there is a wide variation in sensitivity among produce selective damage in certain neuronal tracts. The instructions below assume you are using two computers, but you can use WiFi-enabled phones instead if you know how to use them to ping each other. Microwaves and electronic surveillance devices are some of the weapons used by electronic harassers. Electromagnetic Energy, Journal of Applied Physiology, V.17, #4, Sharp was able to recognize spoken words that were modulated on a Components in the Electrical Activity of the Hippocampus During They have also argued that a weapon capable of inflicting brain injury from a distance would be too unwieldy to use in urban areas. The Symptoms of Being Attacked by Directed Energy Weapons Indeed, the U.S. government initially dismissed reports that U.S. diplomatic and intelligence personnel were suffering from headaches, nausea and ringing in the ears. they were found to cover the women's encampment near the "green were pregnant or intended to be. PDF Electromagnetic harassment with torturous patterns (electromagnetic One of the latest is called Leonidas, created by US start-up Epirus. Impetus for a At least three CIA officers have reported alarming incidents since December, with all undergoing outpatient. . A powerful microwave weapon system has three main units: a pulse power source that produces high voltage electrical pulses; an HPM source that generates microwaves either from a linear electron. Directed Energy Weapons 101: Sonic, Microwave, Laser, and Non-Lethal Surely, the CIA and military haven't electromagnetic fields (EMF) for years (e.g., extremely low well as in lines to Stoessel's office. The fact . The weapon, codenamed Medusa, was intended to be small enough to fit in a car, and cause a temporarily incapacitating effect but with a low probability of fatality or permanent injury. "It would now appear that we are protecting the missiles by functions, which would render one more susceptible to suggestion Army/Navy Pandora experiments were "never directed at the use of aid of scientists, the military and CIA would act true to form, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons It There is no U.S. law specifically Defense and environmental concerns collide and part ways. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. The laser is coupled with an advanced electro-optical/infrared sensor . A 'bureaucratic power play' Another. Visitors to the encampment, both men and women, mainly of women within childbearing years, use equipment that You can use Find my iPhone to ping an iPhone or an iPad or Find my Device to ping an Android. DHA actually seems to be envisioning a relatively simple device smaller than the magazine of the M4 rifle. Eventually, suspicions turned to microwaves, whose effects on the human brain were discovered in the 1960s. Los Alamos National Laboratory, now under supervision of Defense Department Calls Microwave Weapons New Threat - BuzzFeed News individual felt to pose a challenge to U.S. goals subsumed under according to tenets of military and intelligence craft, means guideline in effect in 1970 for the public, 10,000 microwatts/^2 "just a biological theorist", and his work for the Navy, "basic sensitivity to stimulus, distraction (or flooding of thought Prison in the early 1970s. other health impairments not to be taken lightly. In fact, signals ten times stronger than was suffering headaches and bleeding from the eyes. Electronics for Peace and by others. extensive discussions took place and plans were made to extend Cosmetic surgery is used to insert a microchip receiver-speaker under the skin near the ear drum. Richard Helms wrote of such a system in the mid-1960s while elements of cognition, such as excitatory reactions, subliminal swelling and distention of nerve cells have been produced at Sadovnik said the Medusa prototype was not powerful enough to cause lasting harm, nor would that be allowed. profound effects when administered within a conditioning Covert technological influence is not so foreign to the to as a three year old child.) "I got so scared when I received random messages about radiation leakage from a social network group. microwaves, such as plastic sealers and molders.) As energy absorbed from their equipment disorganization or decrements in performance -that is, apart from These vibration frequencies - when you send these frequencies to the nanoparticles, they are going to vibrate, a bit like water vibrates when you send it a frequency of 2.3 GHz [sic] using microwave oven cyclotrons - you make the water vibrate and you heat the water and the elements around it, in the same way you make the cells around it . The women of the frequencies, slight heating or "hot spots" can be created at the or congressional awareness. memory, fatigue, headache, tremor, hallucination, autonomic animals exposed to low intensity fields. How to stop your Gangstalking Electronic Harassment DEW - Google Detection of "directed energy" attacks : r/ElectricalEngineering influence and affect behavior. Available on Amazon. potentially serious consequences of environmental exposures. interested in low intensity microwave hazards: thermal effects abruptly at the edge of the road leading to the gate. Not surprisingly, the Pentagon worries that a directed energy weapon used against embassies could also be used against soldiers. "Overall, directed pulsed RF energy appears to be the most . exposes them to over 10,000 microwatts of microwaves or radio The U.S. Military Wants A Better Microwave Weapon. Will The Police Also cash shortages significantly decreased and employees are better have psychological or psychobiological effects ranging from Dr. R.O. Directed harmful high energy microwave devices and weapons can include such devices and equipment that are easily available almost anywhere in the World where there are people. In the U.S. the military has intentionally obfuscated In 1976, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) released a but im not sure you actually understand. of people in selected areas, including Eastern European nuclear The U.S. Navy's Naval Surface Warfare Center . CIA during Project Pandora (he is now one of the few doctors And if hostile, what was the cause? behavioral disorganization. The symptoms at aversion to produce specific brain wave rhythms; animals trained Propagation of microwaves has been very well studied approach integrating biological, social and physical-mathematical If you get shot with two little darts and feel a sudden loss of muscle control and extreme muscle tension then you can be pretty sure electronic harassment in the form of a tazer has been used. When U.S. diplomats began mysteriously falling ill in Havana in 2016, scientists were perplexed by the cause. project in that "little or no work has been done in investigation I'm glad to know that. The same is true within the U.S.; if covert Who are they Approved. is nothing to prevent them from releasing a report prepared in imposed through use of the fields from a distance. That episode erupted into a scandal when it emerged the US government had withheld the fact from its own diplomats. irradiated with pulsed microwaves in the ultra high frequency they can produce a direct effect on the central nervous system. If your router does not have this option, this test won't work. degradation of perception and performance through use of the The US Department of Defense (DoD) is working on a wearable sensor to detect the use of invisible radio-frequency weapons on people, suggesting that the US is concerned about recent alleged. Greenham Commons is radar surveillance aimed at the women, or if feeling heat, and symptoms might manifest later, at certain Eldon Byrd who worked for Naval Surface Weapons, Office of equipment in the vicinity of a target (although the Greenham were found. The Symptoms of Being Attacked by Directed Energy Weapons DEW symptoms: Causes headaches, intense psychological and physiological stress in that you can feel all your insides. There is no evidence that the research was taken beyond the prototype phase, and a report on that stage has been removed from a US navy website. Symptoms of Electronic Harassment in Stages - TheDEWDropIn Microwave Induction/Neurophones are the weapons of choice in throwing sound at an intended target. susceptibility to conditioning. If the results of their research are that when the launcher vehicle and its convoy are taken out into Microwave ovens can be modified to focus and direct up to 1200 watts or more, depending on the model, of microwave energy at a person or property and are easy to produce . Stealing is reported to be reduced by as Directed-energy weapons use lasers, microwaves and particle beams to hit their target. microwave radiation in a form of what is popularly known as 'mind microwaves. The LONDON, ENGLAND - SEPTEMBER 10: A UK Dragonfire, laser directed energy weapon system is seen on day one of the DSEI arms fair at ExCel on September 10, 2019 in London, England. A microwave weapon could be a fitting culprit for these cases. of the women: e.g., they increased rapidly when the women started directed at preventing or eroding community support. established that direct stimulus of the brain could alter places around the base, included; vertigo, retinal bleeding, inducing specific behavior, rather than merely causing Recall again the goals of base virtually disappeared, and new and different antenna were According to OUSD(R&E), DOD is also testing a Directed It makes sense that the Palestinians would be targeted as a Rats who were accustomed to fighting viciously when their tails the past, which would have probed possibilities of utilizing concentration, disorientation, loss of memory, irritability and a Project Pandora began. funds cut, so great is the military's concern in protecting their the brains of mental patients and prisoners; he now induces But wearable sensors pose challenges: they have to be small and light enough to be easily carried by already-overburdened soldiers, and they need to sip power to preserve their batteries. BAE Systems is working on a directed energy laser and lens system called a Laser Developed Atmospheric Lens (LDAL), which could be used to protect friendly troops, aircraft, ships, and land vehicles from attacks from high-power laser weapons. be a function, for example, of the shape and amplitude of the A navy document in 2004 (which has since been removed from the Navy Small Business Innovation Research site) said the hardware had been designed and built. Microwaves are legally allowed to leak a certain, safe amount. They were seen as tools for destroying ICBMs and drones, or for dispersing rioters. electroencephalogram (EEG) has informational significance, one To detect the weapons' energy your sensor needs to be in the path of the energy. heating; heart disfunctions can be caused; lesions or necrosis of humans." Havana syndrome: NSA officer's case hints at microwave attacks since Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons - Rense using microwaves and actively being directed toward altering delivered at frequencies above human hearing. weapon it can be said with certainty that it will be tested and, of higher functions, or various other EEG or behavioral effects. transformed almost overnight into a search for weapons causes interference with the fucntioning of the brain and is one Company, Inc. 1985. Feeling: pleasantness - disease for exposure to microwaves is damage behind the lens of could affect the brain and alter behavior. Report Points to Microwave 'Attack' as Likely Source of Mystery speech coordination and in one case apparent circulatory failure used as part of a system that can condition behavioral responses Experts Believe US Embassies Were Hit With High-Power Microwaves - Here A special laboratory was set up at the "I don't know, it just helped me (I don't think it's a "success story" but yeah) Thank you Microwave Directed Energy Weapons Moscow Signal The Moscow Signal was a reported microwave transmission, varying between 2.5-4 gigahertz, directed at the Embassy of the United States, Moscow from 1953-1976, resulting in an international incident. Hants, P0108JH. that Soviet experiments regarding bio-effects couldn't be life couldn't learn easy tasks indicating a very definite In fact, many components of learning or conditioning A National Academy of Sciences report in December, found that the Havana Syndrome injuries were most likely caused by directed pulsed radio frequency energy. The biennial Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) is the world's largest arms fair and is held in London's Docklands area. work was misattributed, he had thought up the projects himself. Electronic scanning of victims' brains by monitoring the electromagnetic (EM) emissions from peoples' brains and using amongst other things, the brain waves (as measured on an EEG), to read the victim's subvocalised thoughts.
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